The Rave New Year Stages

New Year’s Resolutions Rarely Work and here’s why

“History is full of calendars. As a matter of fact, history is rooted in all kinds of calendars. The Gregorian calendar that most of the Western world, and the world of business pays attention to has its so-called New Year on December 31st. From the moment I was given the knowledge, I began this very long process of trying to get as many people as I could to understand that December 31st, though it is the end of a calendar sequence, is not the end of the solar cycle.

We are a planet, after all, that is totally dependent on the grace of the sun. We orbit around that sun, and we live within a solar-conditioned field. When you look at the way the sun operates in terms of the Rave Mandala, one of the mysteries, and one of the beauties, is its integration with the I’Ching, and the I’Ching’s profound relationship to what we call genetics.

Fundamentally, when the Sun enters the 41st Gate (this year: January 22, at 19:49:33pm UTC), this signals the beginning of the Rave New Year. That 41st Gate is quite extraordinary. In its relationship to genetics, it is the only initiating codon. If you think about genetics as being written out as an alphabet, the very beginning of any genetic sentence, in fact, every genetic sentence, would begin with the 41st Gate. It starts everything.

When you look at the 41st Gate within the BodyGraph, you see the essential purpose inherent in it. The 41 to the 30, this Channel of Recognition that leads into the 35-36, the Channel of Transitoriness, these two Channels form a stream called the Human Experiential Way. Every January, as the Sun enters the 41st Gate, we initiate a new human experiential cycle on this plane.

For so long, there has been this pop-culture thing about the dissolution of New Year’s resolutions and the impact that has on the psyche of people. What I’m going to show you are the stages of what leads up to the New Year; in other words, the way you complete the cycle. And it begins with the Sun in the 38th Gate, the Gate of Opposition.

Stage 1: Sun enters Gate 38

This year: Wednesday, December 30, 2020, at 17:52pm UTC

When the Sun is in the 38th Gate, that is when we have our calendar New Year. The opposition of the 38th Gate is the 39th Gate, Obstruction, which is a deeply provocative energy. It is energy that can create dilemmas and situations, not an energy that is there for completion.

You can tell when you get to completion because the Gate before the 41 is the 60th Gate, called Limitation. That’s the completion, that is the end of the cycle each year – not the 38th Gate, when we have our calendar New Year.

Tension. The 38-39 opposition is part of a Right Angle Cross called the Cross of Tension. There’s more tension being put out there on so-called New Year’s Eve than anything else.

Stage 2: Sun enters Gate 54

This year: Tuesday, January 5, 2021, at 06:21am UTC

The process begins with the 54th gate, the Marrying Maiden, the Gate of Ambition. The 54th Gate carries a fourth line which is deeply mystical: Enlightenment/Endarkenment. The moment the Sun enters the 54th gate we have a stage in which we really need to look, and to look clearly.

The 38th Gate points us towards whether we have found purpose in this life, and not so much in the life, but in the previous cycle. At New Year’s eve, the energy that’s really there is not about celebrating and looking forward to the future; it’s about looking back and seeing. Did it work? Did you find purpose? Did you find your spirit? The 38-39 polarity, this is the beginning of closing down the cycle, and you begin to look back at that point. Was there a purpose? Was is it something that was fulfilling?

Then we enter into Gate 54 with a Gate 53 opposition. That 54, the ambition, the transformation, is about beginning to look forward. Who are my best allies? Who were those beings out there that I can work with, trust, rely on? It’s a key to ambition and transformation, and its polarity is the 53rd gate, which is about beginning things. This is the way the cycle unfolds naturally.

We continue our journey through the stages of what leads up to the New Year; in other words, the way you complete the yearly cycle. In Stage 1 and 2 we looked at the Sun entering Gate 38 (Opposition) and Gate 54 (Ambition). Stage 3 is about Inner Truth…

Stage 3: Sun enters Gate 61

This year: Sunday, January 10, 2021, at 18:47pm UTC

When you get to the Sun in Gate 61, Inner Truth, and on the other side Gate 62 (the facts please, just the facts), you look back and see whether purpose and spirit have been fulfilled. You take a look at the forces around you that have been there for you, and those that have not, so you can lay the groundwork for a new beginning.

Then you look within yourself, that Inspiration (through Gate 61) will be there: based on fact, based on what’s possible, on your own Authority, on your power to realize your potential. (Then you get to Gate 60 and you just let go, but we’ll get there.)

It’s a key to this coming week (61-62), a week of thinking. We’re in such a hurry to move forward that we don’t give ourselves time to assess. It’s time to assess! If you’ve missed looking for purpose and spirit, if you have not looked back at those forces to see who was there for you and who was not, then it’s time to do so and to put that in perspective, to give yourself what you need.

Stage 4: Sun enters Gate 60

This year: Saturday, January 16, 2021, at 07:15am UTC

Now we move onto the 60th Gate of Limitation. It’s about letting go, it’s always about letting go. I think this is one of the most difficult things for human beings trying to live their lives as themselves, letting go of the seduction that mind puts in front of them all the time. Letting go of this sense of insecurity and needing to take care of business themselves, when in fact it just blows them way.

How beautiful and peaceful it is to be able to rest within yourself, and find the truth within you. Getting to this place is about letting go of the past, letting go of it all. Not just simply letting go of what didn’t work, but ready to step forward into a new experiential cycle with the Sun entering the 41st gate, and away we go.


Limitation is something extraordinary because it’s all about transcendence. The moment you can accept limitation, it no longer exists. This is all about mind, and the way the mind distorts things, keeping you uncomfortable in your life. If you can accept the limitation of who you are, the way it is, and live life as yourself, this is a beautiful thing.

Have a great year!” Ra Uru Hu




Amanda believes with a passion that success comes when we truly know ourselves.  Having a Solar Return Reading every year 3 months before your birthday is your golden ticket to see what the “Weather” has in store for you personally for the whole year helping you sail through the oceans of possibility and challenge totally prepared to make the most of the year ahead.

ConnectHer Podcast Interview

We are living in turbulent times. We are not only going through a once-in-a-hundred year Pandemic but we are also on the countdown to a new global shift in how we live, work and educate ourselves.

30 Minute Interview with Lee Cummins of ConnectHer and Amanda O’Keeffe, BG5 Business Consultant as she talks about 3 things we can actually rely on to help us through the chaos.

Amanda believes with a passion that success comes when we truly know ourselves.

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Is Decision Fatigue Ruining Your Life?

Is Decision Fatigue Ruining Your Life?

Making Good Decisions is a skill we must master.

The quality of your decisions influences the quality of your career, health, relationships, and overall success. Poor decisions lead to personal challenges. These challenges include financial issues, work and school difficulties, health problems, and other personal and social issues.

Poor decisions lead to personal challenges.

Each decision you make has a biological cost. After making too many decisions, you’re more likely to argue with your partner, make unnecessary purchases, and eat junk food.

As your brain fatigues it searches for shortcuts. One of these shortcuts is to make decisions quickly and recklessly. After all, thinking takes energy. Right?

Did you know you actually have your own decision making strategy?  It is one hundred percent accurate once mastered and will not let you down.  This decision making strategy has been with you throughout your lifetime and you probably used it all the time as a child. In Human Design terms we call this your ‘Inner Authority’. It is your body’s intelligence and can be relied on 24/7 to be your most trusted guide. 

We hear a lot about intuition and your gut feeling these days don’t we? but Human Design gets specific and shows you where your Authority lies so you can experiment. Not everyone has a gut response like most people believe. According to our Human Design there are 7 Authorities based on the different Types.

Unfortunately, as we grow up and take on more and more conditioning, we start to move our decision making into our head and are just told to “figure it out”  Well that’s great when we want to analyse or research or help others with their decisions but not for us personally. Your mind can never be your Decision Making. Your Mind continually lies to you filtering events  based on what happened to you in the past. It can throw you off track with ideas of what it thinks you “should do. It puts up blinders preventing you from seeing opportunities right in front of you. That’s its job. It wants to keep you safe. But what is the cost of you giving the mind the authority for your life decisions if it is just playing the same old movie over and over?


When you know your Inner Authority, you can trust that you will always make correct decisions for yourself. You will always be in the right place at the right time with the right people. Your body is the life, your mind is the passenger in this life. Let it take a backseat when you make decisions. let the body decide. Get a trusted friend to ask you yes/no questions and practice feeling the response to Act or not. Do not use language when answering, let the body speak.  Leave the mind to do what it’s good at; pondering and sharing ideas and perspectives with others.

The consequences of poor decision-making can be severe.


How do you make decisions?  Comment below. To find out more about




Attitude of Gratitude for 2020

Attitude of Gratitude for 2020

So I’m staring out the window of our tiny tiny apartment daydreaming. I’m not moaning, I love that I don’t have to spend my entire weekend cleaning bedrooms that may get occupied once or twice a year (still have to do that dusting?). I don’t have to spend hours mowing lawns, weeding or pruning.  Yes I know, all you gardeners will say It’s very therapeutic but it’s not a task you can put off to another day is it? it’s not really a choice; it’s a necessity –  no weeding and mowing = a jungle! 

You only have to have an ‘off’ week or two, and boom! the grass is waist high. So no, as much as I want to live in a big house so I can have a garden with a patio and a big round table to entertain, I know that would tie us down and I love the freedom to do what I’m guided to do when inspiration hits.


Anyway I’m digressing from the point. This post is about looking back over my 2020 year and being pleasantly surprised about what I DID actually get to do. Considering we were in lockdown 70% of it,  I did actually have some high points and please, don’t think shout at me at how bad it was  – I totally understand, I too had serious sadness and loss through this retched pandemic and maybe I shouldn’t be writing this post, but to me, it’s important – we need to acknowledge our high points and our achievements – our brains are hardwired to look for the negative it’s our reptilian brain keeping us safe, but when real dark times happen, just like Viktor Frankl in “Man’s Search for Meaning” we have to find the light in the darkness so we can safely find the door and move forward or we give up.


So Here’s my 8 Happy Moments of 2020

I got to attend an in-house Astrology Talk – I learnt all about the coming cycle – no mention of Mr COVID though, but lots of mention of this massive Saturn/Capricorn conunction and uncertain times– As always – Astrology for me – keeps you in the loop of the cycles our planet is transiting through – Did you know we are now in a new global 200 year cycle on earth? No-one knows what will happen as no-one has every lived this shift before! No wonder we are all feeling uncertainty. I’ll write more on this another time.


I got to attend Carolyn Myss’ Seminar at the Melbourne Exhibition Centre – I love Carolyn’s work and her as a person – With her down-to-earth spiritualty approach she has wisdom beyond this universe – amazing – and I shared this wonderful experience with a few soul sisters. Don’t you love it when other people love what you love too?

We were grateful to have had the chance  to mee up with our friends, Dessy and Raff, from  Singapore to catch up and reminnise about the good times we all had when we lived in Singapore. Who knows when we will see our overseas friends again.


We managed to fly to Hobart for 5 days with our ‘gang’ This was a treat we had had booked for 8 months – how lucky we managed to do this trip. Who knew this would be our last flight for a while.


Exciting long weekend at Cape Bridgewater with “Bessie”,Richard’s 1939 BSA M20 motorbike, in case you’re wondering. Together with our fabulous Motorbike friends from the Hamilton Branch of BSA Club – This is our yearly catch-up with the Group, so we are so grateful we got to ride and camp with them this year.


Started Yin Yoga Classes with the lovely Candy King ……..Yin Yoga – sounds easy – it is easy if you’re a pretzel, but if you’re Amanda flexi, it’s just hilarious!!! I Laugh all the way to the sex pose lol! Never mind, that’s my wicked sense of humour escaping!

A fabulous 4 days eating, chilling and laughing with my Souls Sisters, Dhea, Maria, Teresa, Toni, Jo and Kathy on Port Phillip Island – We had long walks on the beach, we ate tasty vegan food that the amazing Kathy prepared fresh for us every day all washed down with some belly laughs. I loved Philip Island and that experience so much, that  Richard and I went back for a weekend for our Anniversary (yes, in between lockdowns lol!) we managed to squeeze this in before, BAM! – back we went into lockdown.


I also completed and gained my Certification Level 1 and Level 2 BG5 Business Consultant Training and finished my Level 3 in December – So my big achievement for the year is becoming a BG5™ Certified Business/Career Consultant – So proud of myself for getting up at 2.30 in the morning for a whole year to study online with the class for 2 hours (I know what you’re thinking, and yes, you’re right I did have to re-listen to those calls againa a couple of times, and I could have taken the easy road and just listened to the recordings, but for me, there’s nothing like being live on calls. luckily it was NOT on zoom so I could, and did look like I had just got up and nobody knew!

Here’s to 2021 – I for one, will be tuning out the noise out there and listening to my own inner guidance – that works for me – what about you? Did you find a silver lining in your 2020?

Blessings to you all as we begin a new Human Design cycle on 21st January when we enter the gate 41 (beginnings). So until then, finish everything that you started last year. That way you have a clean slate. Honour your own “Hero’s’ journey, find the golden nugget in that experience, whatever it was , journal the pain away, the sadness, the loss. And remember, we are all in transition and, as with any birth, we have to go through the birth canal and none of us remember what that experience felt like, but we did it and we arrived safely.

Take care and may 2021 bring you peace within so you can see all the wonders that are waiting for you.


  • People have a Human Design Analysis with me when they feel stuck, discombobulated and lost on their true direction. Maybe life has thrown a proverbial stone at your window and you’re staring out of the shattered glass wondering what’s next? Each one of us has a unique way of being and operating in the world which is encoded in your DNA. When we work together, we are uncovering your own keys to success on your terms so that you can start to uncover all that maybe out of balance and align back to your true nature. I am a certified Human Design  BG5™ consultant trained in the Human Design Business System to help you get back in alignment with your own unique life and operating correctly helping you become a better leader, manager or business owner.
5 Reasons You Must Keep a Gratitude Diary

5 Reasons You Must Keep a Gratitude Diary

“Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.”   

The first time I read this quote, I was like “yeah whatever” I was too skeptical, too jaded and just plain suspicious. But when I was studying Positive Psychology I learned all the facts behind incorporating a Gratitude practice into your life.  Now that I have made a habit of giving thanks at even the smallest opportunity, I can 100% vouch for how magical this small practice is, how it literally transforms the ordinary and mundane into something exquisite & truly worth living. So Here’s another 5 reasons you need to keep a gratitude journal and scribbling all those wonderful things that you have in your life.


  1. Gratitude Changes your Thought Patterns: studies have shown a strong mind-body connection. When we are feeling stressed, or anxious and let’s face it, who isn’t in this world Pandemic crisis? it can have a negative effect on our physical health..By switching your thoughts to all the things, events and people you are thankful for, you are creating positive thoughts and feelings and creating new neural pathways in your brain and reducing stress and anxiety. It will also remind you that whatever happens to you there is always something to feel thankful for. 

Your commitment to your gratitude journal refocuses your mind on positive events, conversations and relationships. This enables you to see more than just those negative ones that tend to fill your mind and dominate your thoughts when they happen. 


Another way your thought patterns will change is that you will find that you start pushing boundaries and removing limiting beliefs. This will happen as you not only keep your gratitude journal but also review it. You will find that your mind opens to new possibilities and you gain in self-confidence and knowledge.


  1. Being Grateful Improves Your Health: the fact that there is a mind-body connection means that by focusing on positive thoughts and feelings in your gratitude journal you are helping to improve your physical and mental health. Studies have shown that regular gratitude journaling can not only;


(a) Relieves stress and anxiety 

(b) Improve your sleep

(c) Gain perspective on your life; BUT ……. 


3. Creates Optimism: some days it’s just too hard to see the wood for the trees. You can find yourself focusing on something that has upset you and that thought will nag away at you constantly. Taking some time to sit quietly and do a re-frame by thinking about something you are grateful for will help reduce the negative thoughts and feelings and replace them with positive ones.


  1. Improved Sleep: regardless of whether you feel the need for eight hours sleep each night your body and mind do require a regular amount of sleep each night for optimal mental and physical health. Keeping a gratitude journal is fun, calming and a positive activity that promotes happy thoughts and feelings. Write out 3 things you’re grateful for before falling asleep and enjoy you’ll definitely sleep more peacefully and have happier dreams. 
  1. It’s Fun: keeping a gratitude journal should be a fun enjoyable experience; something you look forward to. It doesn’t matter whether you use a plain notebook or a really fancy one, you can jazz it up by using different coloured pens or pencils, or even decorating the pages.

If you want to create a positive change in yourself and your life, then keeping a gratitude journal may just be the tool you are looking for. It’s cheap, easy and very beneficial to your physical and mental health. Now that’s a habit worth starting.



  • Hi I’m Amanda. People come to me when they feel stuck, discombobulated and lost about their true direction. Maybe life has thrown a proverbial stone at your window and you’re staring out of the shattered glass wondering what’s next? Each one of us has a unique way of being and operating in the world which is encoded in your DNA. When we work together, we are uncovering your own keys to success on your terms so that you can start to uncover all that maybe out of balance and align back to your true nature. I am a certified Human Design  BG5™ consultant trained in the Human Design Business System to help you get back in alignment with your own unique life and operating correctly helping you become a better leader, manager or business owner.
10 Lessons Chess Can Show Us About Life

10 Lessons Chess Can Show Us About Life

In February this year, before COVID 19 hit our world, I was blessed to have a great weekend treat in Hobart with friends. In the hotel bar was a chess set.  So there’s 10 of us, watching 2 of us, attempt to play a game of chess and it got me thinking and Here are some invaluable lessons that can be learned from the game of chess.

  1. There’s always an opportunity if you look hard enough. No matter how bad your position looks on the chessboard,(life) there’s almost always a simple solution.

Take the time in your life to look for the best opportunities and take full advantage of them.

  1. Be willing to sacrifice for something better. The queen sacrifice in chess is a classic move. It seems counterintuitive that giving up your most valuable piece can sometimes be your smartest move.

What habit or limiting belief are you willing to give up in order to be successful in life?

  1. You have to focus your attention if you want to win. Chess requires a tremendous amount of mental energy and focus. You can’t win without it.

How focused are you in your life? Do you have goals? Goals are an excellent way to focus your attention on the things that matter.

  1. Sometimes, simplifying is the smartest move you can make. There are times in chess when it’s advantageous to trade pieces with your opponent to clear the clutter off the board and simplify the position.

Simplifying your life can be a powerful strategy to achieving greater levels of contentment and success. Clear out the old and allow new growth.

  1. The big picture matters. It’s easy to sweat the small stuff on the chessboard and lose sight of the overall strategy of the game.

Avoid silly conflicts at work. Focus on what’s best for your career instead.

Why argue about whose turn it is to unload the dishwasher? Do what’s best for your relationship.

  1. Failure can be the best teacher. The chess games you lose can teach you more than the games you win.

Failure is a great teacher in life, too. If you’re a 3/5 public profile you’ll understand what a great asset it is to enjoy all perceived failure as just feedback.

  1. You can always start a new game. Losing a game of chess doesn’t prevent you from playing again.

In life, failure isn’t final. You can always hit reset and try again, and again, and again. There can be no growth without failure – failure is just one more way of finding what doesn’t work so you can experiment and play and eventually find what does.

  1. It’s all about the decisions you make. The difference between playing poor, good, and world-class chess is the quality of the choices you make.

The quality of your decisions in life is just as important. Most of your challenges are due to a couple of poor decisions. When you know your unique Decision making strategy, life comes to you. You never have to chase anything, ever.

  1. It helps to have a plan. Great chess players create a plan based on the distribution of pieces on the board. Then, they execute that plan as well as possible.

Do you have a plan for your life? If not, how do you expect to experience a positive result? How do you know where you’re going if you have no plan?

  1. Sometimes you have to back up in order to gain ground. You can’t just move the pieces forward 100% of the time. There’s a time to back up and then make your move when the time is right. Using your unique Decision Making Strategy will ensure you’re always in the right place at the right time.

You can’t push forward in life 100% of the time. There’s a time and a place for retreat, consolidation, and then making progress again. Everything has a cycle, we are included in that, even though we believe we have to keep pushing to get everything NOW

There are many similarities between chess and life. Unless you’re playing a real pro, there’s always hope in chess. The game can turn on a single move by either player.

Likewise, when you know who you are and know how to make correct decisions you will always find yourself aligned to your correct life path. Have a plan for your life but stay flexible. Look for opportunities, and don’t be afraid to take a step back to make long-term progress.

Play some chess. It’s good for your brain and can enhance your strategy for dealing with life.



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